I don't make a habit of posting videogame-themed art. For that matter, although there is some pretty amazing CG artwork out there, I prefer to stay away from that as well; it's sort of outside the parameters of Cabinet of Curiosities. That said, every once in a while I come across something astounding enough that I have to pass it along. Such is the case with Japanese artist
Dotter Dotter's rendered NES-inspired work. Click for larger versions.
Unfortunately, I don't read Japanese, so I don't know the titles of any of these.
Anyway, while we're on the topic of Nintendo art,
Bill Mudron (who's
Anne Frank Conquers The Moon Nazis web-comic is long-time favourite of mine) has recently redesigned his portfolio site with
an NES theme and is featuring a number of his Nintendo-y illustrations.
Dotter Dotter's blog)
Dotter Dotter at pixiv)
Bill Mudron)